There are days in our lives that are etched in stone in our
memories or rather perhaps written on our hearts in permanent ink. On Mother’s Day, May 8th
2016 was one of those days for me! Many of our children at MCV (Michaels
Children’s Village) shouted “Happy Mother’s day, Mama Comella,” I have been
wished this before by family in regards to my nieces/nephews and the role I
have played in their lives, but never by so many children in their beautiful
childlike voices… It was such a heartwarming, yet surreal moment for me! The
reality of it all, these wonderful children saying this to me, it was a dream
becoming true!

It is one thing to have a dream of adopting children, which
truly has been on my heart nearly my whole life. However, there is something
radically different and impactful when a child chooses you! Truly, I had no words at that
moment! We sat together, she was sitting on my lap. I did pull out my phone and suggest that we take a selfie of my
Daughter on Mother’s Day! She giggled and agreed!
I don’t know if I will ever adopt in the natural legal sense
or if it will be only in the spiritual sense. It really doesn’t matter to me,
each child that I am with is adopted by Father God and I am called to LOVE them
and Mother them as He would! But I
do know one thing, that she adopted me, I have chosen by her! It is the most
humbling, yet honoring thing I
believe has ever happened to me.
It reminds me of the scripture in Ephesians 1:5
For it was always in His perfect plan to adopt us as His delightful
children, so that His tremendous grace that cascades over us would bring Him
glory—for the same love he has for His Beloved One, Jesus, He has for us!!