This season, I have been pondering the meaning of home and what does it actually mean to me. I often get asked the question, “where is home?" or "where are you from?" Having traveled and lived several places, this has became more difficult to answer and sometimes I have questioned myself asking, where do I actually belong? Of course, I am so beyond thankful to have a bed, a warm house and many luxuries I did not earn or deserve as I have seen homes that looked like a mangled shack or even worse, they have NO place to go!
As I consider the true meaning, home is NOT about me at all! It is about a Person far superior whose arms are open wide longing and waiting for those He loves to come HOME to Him!! His love is endless and immeasurable; He gave His precious blood for ALL. He is patient, He is slow to anger, He loves with NO agenda and He not only knows your name, He knows your deepest heart longings even what makes you giggle!
His name is Jesus and He is my HOME! I am so grateful to have a place to REST my head no matter where I am, He is the only place that is safe, secure and never wavering is in the arms of Jesus or in the crook of His neck!! Jesus came as a poor child born in a lowly manger, having NO place to rest or lay His head! He came willingly and gave everything He had so that we could NO longer say we do not have a home or a place to REST, even if we have NO physical place to go, we could still REST in Him and our assured belonging to Him for all of eternity!
Jesus is our REST, our hiding place, our shelter, our strong tower, our refuge from the storm, our rock, the lifter of our head and our dwelling place!!