Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I am currently in a season of waiting, doors have even closed in my current situation and I am left with more questions than answers. Don't get me wrong, I have so MUCH to be thankful for, I am a favored daughter and am highly blessed by the Lord! I can't let the unknown take away my gratitude for life all the way down to my very breath that I have been given! 

The very topic of faith is the simplest and most important part of our journey!! We are simply asked to BELIEVE!!! In the midst of this season of waiting, doubts and fears creep in only to poke at my belief and cause me to question Jesus and His promises! The tactics of the enemy of course are me to question my purpose and His promises, so that I don't move forward (stealing and killing my destiny).

My question today is Who are you believing right now in your situation, in your life and circumstances? In other words, where is your faith? Jesus said, IT IS FINISHED!!! He said it is done, the promises have been fulfilled, I have come that you might have life abundantly. All we have to do is say YES to Him and simply believe! Am I believing the One who has given ALL or am I believing the little voices, even thoughts that lie to me and tell me that I am not worthy or this is impossible or just simply that I can't do it!

Jesus' highest compliment in all of scripture was to a centurion who called upon Jesus to heal a servant who was paralyzed and in agony. This was Jesus' response to this officer.

Jesus was stunned by the depth of the officer’s faith.

Jesus (to His followers): This is the plain truth: I have not met a single person in Israel with as much faith as this officer11 It will not be just the children of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob who celebrate at their heavenly banquet at the end of time. No, people will come from the East and the West—and those who recognize Me, regardless of their lineage, will sit with Me at that feast12 But those who have feigned their faith will be cast out into outer darkness where people weep and grind their teeth.
13 Then Jesus turned to the Centurion.[a]
Jesus: You may go home. For it is as you say it is; it is as you believe. And the officer’s servant was healed, right then.
I'll be honest, lately, I think I have doubted more than I have had faith. The great thing is, Jesus isn't afraid of your emotions and doubts, He asks that we cast our cares on Him, which naturally involves a relationship with Him where we talk to Him and surrender our cares to Him. Oh how He waits and longs for us to dialogue with Him... He understands and wants to carry them and give you His faith (and so much more), the kind of faith that never parishes! I am learning just how little and small I am, in fact, I am a cracked pot with no value without Him. However, my Father in heaven is capable of ALL things, if He can cause water to come out of rocks, how much more will He bless His beloved Sons and Daughters!

Today, I choose to BELIEVE and stand firmly planted in Him the author and finisher of my life!! He will use your cracked pot to grow and make possible things that you never imagined!! :)