Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Why Dancing?

As I worshiped one day, caught up in His joy and filled with possibility, I had this beautiful thought about Dancing on Water...

I knew this wasn't really my idea, but His! I am just thankful that I was tuned in at that moment! What a brilliant idea, dancing, spinning, twirling, even a curtsy on the water! Why not?! Peter walked on water, but that is just the beginning of what is possible!

In John 14:12, Jesus says:
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

I don't know about you, but this is really exciting news to me! I know there are many many more things that Jesus did that are not recorded in scripture, but nonetheless, He says that we are equipped for greater!! I know that I will be exploring this truth for the rest of my life!! I am totally guilty of limiting Him, my limited thinking gets in the way altogether too often! I don't want to do that anymore! I realize this is humanity and it will happen, but the greater is possible, for those who believe! That is what it says...

So, I guess I have to ask myself, what am I going to believe, my mind's limited thinking, which often has to add up and make sense or am I going to believe Him for the greater, which must include my mustard seed of faith?! Please understand that I am not criticizing our God given minds we have as they are a gift and we are meant to use them!!! However, we cannot put our logic on God, it doesn't work that way! We can use our minds and apply incredible logic to solve amazing problems, indeed, He gets the glory in the end! Does it make sense the Jesus spat on a blind man and He was FULLY healed?! And yet...

In Hebrews 11:1, it says:
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Wow, I didn't mean to get all theological here, but I did! All this to say, that I want to fully put my faith in the things NOT seen and seek the greater, even the things that I don't yet understand! Lord, forgive me for putting my logic and limited thinking on you, I don't have your mind, I am asking for a renewing of my mind to see things more and more as you do!! I desire an increase in faith, so that I can be one that is ... Dancing on Water!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Africa to be continued...

Many have wondered what will I do from here now that I have graduated from the Iris Missions School. The question, "Now what?" or "What's next?" comes up VERY often! This is a great question, but it comes with much thought and sometimes hesitation on my part to answer immediately. Recently, the Father has been teaching me about enjoying the present moment and soaking in ALL that He taught me this past season! I am enjoying the process He is taking me through, teaching me how not to live in an outcome mindset!! And mostly, He is teaching me more about seeking Him in relationship and that it is out of my relationship with Him that all things will unfold in His timing!

Nevertheless, I am excited to share with you curious minds and beautiful hearts; all you who shared in this journey with me, what indeed the next season of my life will entail!

Well, the answer to this question is an incredible story, but alas, it is quite LONG! It involves a beautifully Divine day, which began with the discovery that I had lost my wallet, a painful realization. It nearly forced me to rearrange my whole day to try and recover it! It was my final day in South Africa before heading to Mozambique. It was a Sunday, my original plan and desire was to go to church and now I was left debating what I should do with my day. I was considering canceling going to church to focus on finding my wallet when I had this clear thought come to mind, if you don't go to church, you will let the enemy steal from you! This wasn't an ordinary thought and I knew it was a holy moment! So, with no more thought or hesitation, I decided to go to church. The rest is history as a series of His hand beautifully arranged my day that ultimately uncovered His plan for what I would do next...

I ended up spending a greater part of the afternoon with the base director of the Iris base in Nelspruit, South Africa. She asked me if I would consider coming back to that base and collaborate with their Children's Village and pioneer starting a special needs home. My heart leapt with joy, excitement of this possibility! There are many other intersecting factors that clearly demonstrated that He was indeed in the middle of this as I looked back at the many key relationships I had built in South Africa including people I met a year ago in Mozambique that are involved at this Iris base! Those people were put in my life for a reason!

I haven't told many people about a prayer that I had been seeking with God regarding the many years I have worked with children with autism and special needs/mental health diagnosis and wondering what that had to do with my life in the future! I knew I had learned much and am very thankful for ALL that I had learned. However, I felt sorta done with the system of the states with many hoops to jump through limiting the time for me to do the very thing I loved to do the most, which was engage with the child and empower and collaborate with the parents!! I knew He had a purpose and I wondered what it was all about! And then, this opportunity literally landed in my lap in the midst of my Missions school, I was so in awe of His strategic plan and purpose!

You might ask, what happened with the lost wallet?!? At the end of this extraordinary day, the base director, Teisa was going to the mall and I asked if I could go with! I had forgotten about my wallet up until that point! I went back to the place, I thought it was left and indeed it had been found! After 20 minutes of security men bringing it in a lockbox including very detailed questions, they gave me my wallet with everything in tact! This was a miracle too as South Africa is known for its crime, even a few friends had to cancel cards in South Africa due to fraudulent activity! 

I am so thankful for how he orchestrated this day, it reminds me of Proverbs 16:9:

     ~In their hearts humans plan their course, 
          but the Lord establishes their steps!