Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Season of FIRSTS

I knew I was in for the adventure of a lifetime as I moved , but I didn’t expect soooooo many firsts in my first month of moving to South Africa! Hmmmmmm, where to start? Keep in mind that this list could be lots longer,  but I am not unfamiliar with foreign living as I spent 3 ½ months in India, a month in Italy, Mozambique and 3 months in Africa before and I have travelled other places as well. However, this is my first time to OFFICIALLY to move overseas…

Meet Nico! =)
I guess they eat these,
it's HUGE!
In the first few weeks of being here… I showered with a frog, I encountered a grasshopper as big as my palm, our dog, Nico manages to eat the avocadoes that fall from our tree before we can, Nico had a dead rat in his mouth, I visited the hospital nearly daily to pray, I began driving on the left-side of the road (I still sometimes go to the wrong side of the car to drive), we successfully threw a surprise Bridal shower for a dear friend, I attended a training to be a foster parent, Jesus provided finances for me to buy a car here (hallelujah!!!!) and a majority of nights with minimal sleep (at first excitement, then pain). This is just to name a few! =)
Meet Fearless, the Frog!

In the last week, my firsts included: having to lay in the bed for so many hours a day (this was for two weeks), being admitted to the hospital for the first time in my life, I had my first IV,  being asked several times – “Are you sure you aren’t pregnant?,” my first cat scan, stayed the night in the hospital ,  bright lights being turned on between 4-5 am with no warning to take my blood pressure, being asked to shower at 5 in the morning so I would be clean for the doctor and possibly facing my first major surgery and losing an organ! I am sure this list could go on…

This is Teisa, my base director,
I am so thankful for her! She played the 

incredible role of Mom while I was 
at the hospital, truly, so Blessed by her 
JOY, sense of humor and Servant's Heart!

Cat scan or we prefer
to call this space training! :)
The most incredible FIRST would be that I experienced being physically healed by Jesus!! Many of you already know that I was in the hospital for 3 nights and was facing surgery with appendicitis. I came in showing all signs of it and in fact had already been in pain for over the last week, but we thought at first it was just flu or a bug. I had an upset tummy, fever, then cold chills/sweats, diarrhea and sore throat. All the signs of something quite normal that can happen when you adjust to a new culture, although even this doesn’t have to happen!! About 8 years earlier, I also had an appendicitis attack, however it resolved over night. The doctors said they rarely see this, but I got to go home and keep my appendix back then. This time, the doctors said that it is most likely NOT possible that that could happen again! I was praying as I really wanted to keep ALL my organs and many others back home were praying for me as well including many who visited me and prayed with me at the hospital. First miracle was that my blood results came back perfect with no signs of infection! This bought us some time as my appendix was not infected and about to burst! They discovered through an x-ray that I had a partial bowel obstruction in the upper abdomen, well, I had to go a lot! They hoped this would alleviate the pain, however, I continued to be in LOTS of pain. They had me on regular pain meds and even still, sometimes I would get excruciating sharp intense pains in my belly and still awakened in the night by the pain! Cat scan came back normal, however there was no viewing of my appendix. By the third morning, Wednesday, I woke up with JOY and PEACE, nothing had changed pain-wise and honestly it was my last pair of clean underwear, I felt like that was a sign. I also had a little energy as I had slept better that night, so I went outside in the morning for fresh air and to pray and read Philippians. It was there that I met the doctor, he was walking in, Truly, a divine set up! He was amazing and agreed not to just cut me, he wanted to just watch my pain, but I asked if I could watch my pain at home. He agreed,  I got to be DISCHARGED on strict orders that if my pain went to the intense sharp 10 type pains that I would contact him and book surgery!
It was indeed a miracle that he discharged me! So, I went home so excited to be in my own bed with the option to go out in nature, breathe fresh air and heal in my own space! The next two days I rested lots, still very exhausted with no energy and the pain continued so I was regularly on strong pain medicine. Friday night was the worst from 6 pm through the entire night, even the pain meds didn't stop the pain! In the morning, after going to the toilet, the pain stopped. I had the thought "it is finished!" The pain was gone, something that had been with me for over two weeks was finished. It has been four days now and I haven't had pain and I am sleeping at night. Energy is slowly returning and I am slowly adding different foods back to my diet! I AM HEALED, truly a MIRACLE! Thank you, Jesus!! And thank you for ALL who have been praying for me! I also want to thank my beautiful co-missionary roommates here at MCV, they LOVED me very well during this time! So Blessed!! =)

Then, oh then, your light will break out like the warm, golden rays of a rising sun: and your healing will quickly appear then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Eternal will follow and defend you. Then when you do call out, "My God, Where are You?" The Eternal One will answer, "I am here, I am here."
~Isaiah 58:8-9a

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